Unlock your dating potential
Matchmakers make the introductions, but coaches teach you how to turn a date into a long-lasting, healthy, relationship.
If you’re someone who finds dating stressful, confusing, or just wants to improve the quality of your relationships–our professional dating coaches are here to help.
In-depth support
Our coaches are trained to offer in-depth, specialized support throughout all phases of your dating process.
Better relationships
Working with a dating coach has been proven to increase the odds of successfully choosing and keeping the right partner.
Some of the things a coach will help you with are: identifying your core values, developing positive dating habits, and, ultimately, reaching your highest relationship potential.
Science-based approach
Our entire coaching philosophy is backed by science, based on 30 years of research on real-life couples. Each of our coaches is certified by the Love Doctor® herself, research scientist, and therapist, Dr. Terry Orbuck.
So, if you want to be the right one, meet the right one, and choose the right one, our certified, science-based dating and relationship coaching is right for you.